This is dedicated to everyone who finds themselves for what ever reason living or "temporally relocated" to 4 staying in some sort of mobile dwelling all over the U.S.!
My SUV my castle... I did not purchase a van yet I say yet because after I seen online the prices for such with all that room I knew that I had found the perfect dwelling, I just didnt have the money for it at the current moment. I did get a SUV though. A 2004 Ford Explorer 4 door.
I have basically all I need for survival and with the unlimited Mc Donalds, Wal Marts out there I am not far from the basic needs.
I know what you are thinking .... messy right ??? (photo 1)
It functions perfectly the way that I can given the ammount of space that is given to me
Abetter picture of the back (photo 2)
Everything has a purpose I will give a brief run down of whats in the photo
- My sleeping area I bought some foam from wal mart and then a small air mattress and then finally a sleeping bag and a big comfortable comforter.
- I went to the hardware department and got a spool of picture hanging wire (target) and then went to target and got some curten hooks with little alligator clips (modified them and used them to greate a curtain. Its white faceing me but black facing out
- I got 2 stackable egg crates which holds my food... got alot of microwave meals and canned goods will have a run down list later
- You see the blue bag in the forground ( dirty laundry )
- The white drawer system to the right is my clean laundry soxs, underwear, undershirts top is my junk drawer in your house (normally located in the kitchen)
- White bag next to the eggcrates is my trash bag... when it gets full I dump it (normally ever couple of days)